a group of people sitting and conversating

Become a Member

A group of men and women sitting around a desk looking at a phone and smiling

Business Membership

Join the fastest-growing network of Latino business owners in Minnesota.  Increase your brand awareness and reach more customers online. 

Premium Membership
  • Display your business logo, services, location, contact info, images, video, SEO keywords, website and social links in our online directory.
  • Free consultation to help you optimize your business listing.
  • Receive unlimited leads directly from our website.
  • Business listing marked as featured and verified in our directory.
  • Social media introduction post promoting your business to our thousands of online followers.
  • Advertise your business in one of our newsletters.
  • Promote your events, jobs, deals and discounts on our website. 
  • Find out about upcoming vending opportunities at local events.
  • Opportunity to share your expert knowledge on our blog and/ or sponsor articles related to your industry.
  • Education and Networking Events: Opportunities to network with others in your industry as well as educational seminars to help you grow your business.
  • Special discount to our store (coming soon).

*Submit a free application above to learn more!
band of musicians with various instruments

Talent Membership

Join the largest network of Latino talent in Minnesota. Become part of our community of local Latino artists, musicians, dancers, models, athletes, and more. Reach a larger audience online.

  • A verified page on our website with your bio, photos, contact info, video, SEO keywords, website and social links.
  • Free consultation to help you optimize your page.
  • Promote your upcoming events/performances in our events calendar.
  • Introduction post about you on social media and newsletter.
  • Find out about performance opportunities at upcoming local events.
  • Education and Networking Events: Opportunities to network with others in your industry as well as educational seminars to help you grow your career.
  • Special discount to our store (coming soon).
Latino family with mom, dad, and two children sitting around a laptop.

Non-Profit Membership

Join our network of local community groups and non-profit organizations helping Latinos in Minnesota.

  • Display your organization’s logo, services, contact info, images, website and social links in our website.
  • Social media introduction post about your organization.
  • Access to post on our events calendar and job board.
  • Opportunity to receive donations from our company and our network.
  • Opportunity to share your expert knowledge on our blog and social media.
  • Opportunity to collaborate with us on projects, initiatives, and events.
Group of friends hanging out and having fun

Individual Membership

Join our community and support our mission! You do not need to be Latino to join. Everyone is welcome.

FREE User Account
  • Personal profile on our website.
  • Exclusive newsletter emails about upcoming events, local deals, and products on our store.
  • Access to review businesses in our directory.
Amigos Membership $25 per year
  • All of the above plus…
  • Access to exclusive giveaways and private events.
  • Special discount to our store (coming soon)


Click below to see our advertising options for business, promotions, events, and more. You may also contact us with any questions or ideas that you have in mind.

What Our Community is Saying

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